SEC-MAT is an open access neutral marketplace for real time spot market transactions.
Instant access to a worldwide market, a liquid pool of willing buyers and ready sellers with
access to current market prices.
How The Clearinghouse Works
Matching Buyers & Sellers
Absolute Pricing Model
Transaction Guarantee
Dispute Resolution
Types of Goods Exchanged
SEC-MAT Membership
Email FeedBack
SEC-MAT operates on an Absolute Pricing Model where the buyers bid price is the total price paid by the buyer
(his door or his chosen FOB point). SEC-MAT does not charge additional fees directly to a buyer related to the
SEC-MAT operates on an Absolute Pricing Model where the sellers ask price is the total price received by the seller
(his door or his chosen FOB point). SEC-MAT does not charge additional fees directly to a seller related to the
The simplicity for the SEC-MAT members is the price they see is the price they get. The SEC-MAT member has no concern
(beyond his door or chosen FOB point) for freight and material handling logistics, foreign exchange exposure or credit
worthiness of the counterparty.
- rapid order fullfillment
- the price you see is the price you get
Transactions reduced risk and exposure
Don't Trash Your Profits